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Vaporous Hyperoxia Therapy (VHT®): Revolutionizing Wound Care at HLES

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In the dynamic world of modern medicine, breakthroughs are common, yet not all of them seamlessly marry patient care with cost savings for patients. Vaporous Hyperoxia Therapy (VHT®), however, is different. It’s an advanced wound care technology that has changed the game for wound healing, and we’re thrilled to announce that the esteemed podiatrists at HLES will be integrating this technology, via Vaporox, into their treatments.

Understanding VHT®

Before diving into the specifics of how VHT® will be applied at HLES, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of what VHT® is. Vaporous Hyperoxia Therapy or VHT® is a Low-Frequency, Non-Contact, Non-Thermal Ultrasonic Mist Therapy with the application of concentrated topical oxygen. It is an FDA-cleared technology, ensuring its safety and effectiveness as an adjunctive treatment method. This innovative therapy has been clinically validated to heal nine different types of skin wounds, including diabetic foot ulcers, VLUs (Venous Leg Ulcers), and post-surgical wounds.

Different Types of Skin Wounds:

  1. Diabetic Foot Ulcers
  2. Venous Leg Ulcers
  3. Post-Surgical Wounds
  4. Pressure Ulcers
  5. Skin Grafts
  6. Gangrene 
  7. Burns
  8. Frostbite
  9. Amputations

The VHT® Treatment Process

At its core, Vaporox’s VHT® is not just about healing wounds; it’s about optimizing the entire process. This therapy transforms the very essence of wound healing and improves patient outcomes. 

The actual procedure involving VHT® is as advanced as it is straightforward. A patient’s limb is placed inside a specialized treatment chamber. Once secured, a gentle hydrating vapor combined with concentrated oxygen encases the limb. This vaporous environment allows for the passive absorption of these healing elements into the tissue. 

By doing so, the tissue becomes hyper-saturated, bioburden (the number of microorganisms living on a surface that hasn’t been sterilized) is reduced, and angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels) is stimulated. The synergy of these events catalyzes faster wound healing.

The real merit of any medical treatment lies in its results. And VHT® has more than proven its worth. Multiple IRB (Institutional Review Board) clinical studies have shown that when VHT® is used in tandem with standard wound care, it has a success rate of closing approximately 84% of chronic wounds in just 20 weeks or less.

At HLES, our commitment to providing state-of-the-art treatments remains unwavering. Incorporating Vaporox’s VHT® into our podiatric practices aligns with our vision of ensuring swift recovery and effective wound care for our patients. Through this revolutionary method, we hope to elevate the healing journey for all our patients, making it more efficient and more comfortable than ever before.