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Innovative Approach to Sever’s Disease: The Role of PEMF Therapy

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Sever’s disease, a common heel injury in growing children, particularly those who are active in sports, can be a source of significant discomfort and activity limitation. While traditional treatments have focused on rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE), advancements in technology have introduced new therapeutic options. Among these, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy is emerging as a promising tool.

Before delving into PEMF therapy, it’s essential to understand Sever’s disease. This condition, also known as calcaneal apophysitis, typically affects children between 8 and 14 years old. It is caused by inflammation of the growth plate in the heel and is often linked to periods of rapid growth combined with high levels of physical activity.

PEMF therapy uses electromagnetic fields to promote healing and reduce inflammation. The therapy involves the emission of electromagnetic waves at various frequencies to stimulate cellular repair and improve circulation. This non-invasive approach has gained traction in various medical fields for its pain-relief properties and its ability to accelerate healing.

How PEMF Therapy Assists in Treating Sever’s Disease:

  1. Reduction of Inflammation: PEMF therapy is known for its anti-inflammatory effects. By reducing inflammation in the heel, it can alleviate the pain associated with Sever’s disease.
  2. Pain Relief: The therapy helps manage pain by interrupting pain signals sent to the brain, making it a valuable tool for children struggling with discomfort.
  3. Promoting Healing: PEMF therapy enhances the body’s natural healing process, potentially speeding up the recovery time for those suffering from Sever’s disease.
  4. Safety and Convenience: Being a non-invasive and painless treatment, PEMF therapy is particularly suitable for children who may be apprehensive about more invasive treatments.

While research on PEMF therapy specifically for Sever’s disease is still evolving, numerous studies have demonstrated its effectiveness in treating other similar inflammatory conditions and injuries. In this video, podiatrist Dr Ben Pearl shares his success treating Sever’s disease using PEMF therapy Pemf Rx for Sever’s Disease ( Heel Growth Plate Pain)

It’s important to note that PEMF therapy should be part of a comprehensive treatment plan. A podiatrist can best determine how to integrate PEMF therapy with other treatments, such as physical therapy, orthotic devices, and activity modification.

Harford Lower Extremity Specialists (HLES) is at the forefront of integrating innovative treatments into our practice. We have recently incorporated PEMF therapy into our array of treatment options. This addition is particularly exciting for patients suffering from conditions like Sever’s disease, neuropathy, post-operative inflammation, Achilles tendinitis, and other similar ailments. 

The inclusion of PEMF therapy at HLES represents our commitment to providing advanced, non-invasive treatment solutions. By offering this cutting-edge therapy, HLES aims to enhance patient outcomes, reduce pain, and accelerate the healing process for a variety of lower extremity conditions.

PEMF therapy represents an exciting frontier in the treatment of Sever’s disease, offering a safe, non-invasive, and effective option to alleviate pain and accelerate recovery. As research continues to unfold, the potential of PEMF therapy in podiatry becomes increasingly clear.